Beyond Right or Wrong

Do you know these kind of situations in life when you can’t decide is it right or wrong? You may ask yourself, “Is there something wrong with me?”

Relax – everything is just fine!

Consider the journey to climb Mount Everest as an example. Edmond Hillary was the first person to successfully climb the great rock, with a great deal of effort and a large crew. Reinhold Messner later reached the same peak with light luggage and a minimalistic team—all without oxygen.

Two completely different strategies; two extraordinary human achievements.

 It’s not about who did it the right way. Both grew as they reached the summit. Both showed the world new possibilities, but completely new ways. 

Similarly, the theories of human actions and interactions are models of thought for a better understanding and better communication. 

For me, it is not a question of whether one approach is right or the other is wrong. These models of thought  help us in dealing with our challenges in life through different perspectives. We choose the one which is most suitable for us.

Our choice is beyond right or wrong to master our challenges.

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