My Offer

When I work with people who are struggling with a life crisis, these are the most common responses I receive. Let’s see if we can change your attitude here so that you’re more receptive. 

“I don’t know that!”

You can acquire knowledge. You can learn skills. You are always learning new skills. 

There are many ways to acquire knowledge on a subject. My book and workbooks are one way. The key is to just start.

“I can’t do that!”

You can acquire skills, you can train.For that, you need a guidance, a plan because you want to know what and how you can train.

Look for appropriate instructions. My book and my workbooks are time-tested and proven instructions. It’s a great place to start!

“I have a hard time with that!”

Why do you find it difficult to tackle a new subject? What is holding you back from having a new experience? Which mountain is there in front of you?

Is it the circumstances – the headwind you feel, perhaps – or are you just making it difficult for yourself? Is the wind your friend or your enemy? Why don’t you use the wind to sail or fly a kite?

Ask yourself this: What are you contributing to this situation?

“I don’t want that!”

My first question is: Is something upsetting you?

My second question is: Why don’t you want something? Sometimes, do you feel two souls in your chest? What do you get out of not wanting something, not tackling something?

These answers help reflect your motivation and your inner values.

“This is not me!”

Who ARE you? 

What have you done so far?

Most books or courses give you answers to the first two questions. These are most guidebooks and courses offering “recipes” or generalized solutions for your life. You are being asked to imitate a solution -” just mix this and this and you will get this result”. However, when you get to the points where you might say, “this is hard for me, I don’t want to do this,” or “this is not me,” the recipes reach a limitation.

For the last four questions, I encourage you to find your OWN answers:

What experiences have you had? 

Where do you come from?

Where do you stand now?

Who do you want to be or where do you want to go?

To be the way we are. To become the way you want to be. To transform to authenticity and fulfillment.

I help you here as well. My books and my courses are not recipes, because YOU must contribute to the expedition in your life. You must contribute to the success of your expedition.

Reading alone is not enough. You can’t go on a journey if you only read the brochure. You have to pack your own suitcases. 

What is important to you?

What do you need?

Only you can answer these questions.

And then you have to move. You are the expert on the content of your own life. I am the structural expert to help you map out your forward direction.

You decide the “what” – I help you with the “how”

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